To start a school is a huge task which needs a lot of commitment preplanning and consistency. The management has to be clear about the mission, vision and ideology before starting to implement the project stage wise.
Team ‘Gyan Manthan strives to provide our all rounded support for school startups through intensive research and discussions. Some points to which we provide our expertise are:

  • Land/Site -identification, feasibility, evaluation and acquisition
  • Building cum infrastructure planning and construction
  • Budget and feasibility planning
  • Strategy and Business Plan
  • School philosophy, pedagogy and vision development
  • Product Plan which includes Curriculum development, Board affiliation and teaching methodology
  • Plans and processes for administration and human resource.
  • Legal documentation
  • Venture setup on turnkey assignment basis
  • Recruiting at all levels including the leaders
  • Brand development


“ Perplexity is the beginning of knowledge” -Kahlil Gibran

Every school management looks for new ways to improve their school. We provide a number of well researched strategies for improving schools along with out of the box, engaging and informative activities for all members of the school community to truly aid the transformation for the better.

  • New age thinking- Rote learning versus learn through discovery.
  • Incorporation of Processes, standards and certifications.
  • New management techniques
  • Human resource development including Teacher training
  • Financial aspect

Phase One –Auditing the school

In the first phase of the turnaround process, we start with an in depth audit in areas such as academics, administration, finance and management processes being followed in the school. We also carry out a survey of all the stake holders - the teachers, parents, students and the school leadership team. An effective tool that we follow is teacher observation. After the steps mentioned have been followed, a detailed report is generated and presented.

Phase Two — Strategy and plan for school enhancement

In this phase, the improvement areas are identified along with the resource and manpower requirements. The goals are then set. We then develop the training plans for the teachers and other manpower. We also develop the marketing and sales strategies to improve the brand visibility and thus improve admissions. All this would be done keeping the defined budget in mind.

Phase Three- Implementation of the Improvement Plan

Once the Strategy and Improvement plan has been developed it would be implemented to improve the following areas-
School management and decision making, HR processes, Marketing, Brand development, Administration, School operations, Curriculum and co curricular activities
After discussions and freezing of the action plan, our expert team will start the implementation. As the global practice, we will re audit after the implementation. This will help us to analyze the result and make effective corrections to the plans and thus achieve optimum results. It is evident that the process is cyclic.


“The teacher who is indeed wise does not bid you to enter the house of his wisdom but rather leads you to the threshold of your mind.”
The need to train teachers:
Due to the large number of schools that have come up, teachers are in high demand, thus making attrition a common problem. However, most teachers are individuals who have just done their B Ed. and started teaching without experience. These teachers teach the students with old methodologies, which is rote learning style-with no emphasis on creativity of the students. They need to be equipped with the new methodologies which have developed with years of research. A combination of subject knowledge, good communication skills to deliver the knowledge and student understanding makes an effective teacher. An effective teacher is one that encourages children to think and makes learning fun. An effective teacher also is one who understands children and is an inspiration and support to the students.
Our expert training helps evolve the teachers to individuals who the students thank and remember for the rest of their lifetime! A direct correlation can be seen between trained principals, teachers and quality of students that they produce.
Our training, empowers teachers to effectively use new teaching methodologies and develop their delivery skills. They are taught to enhance their summative and formative assessment techniques.
All these skills are further developed through a number of practice mock sessions.
The teachers are first analyzed for their experience, background, quality and competency. According to this analysis, our training is customized so as to be most effective and useful. The solutions provided are based on real time situations and practicality.


- Pedagogy Training

- Product Training

- Personality Development Training for staff as well as students

- Communication Skills Training

- Leadership Training


Our Team specializes in procurement as this has been our core business for years. With the experience in this field, we would be happy to help your school procure the following: All hardware required while setting up a school such as furniture, lab equipment, sports equipment, curriculum material. We will source or order the material according to the budget.


We use our expertise and experience to supply customized stationary, books, uniforms and any other equipment to the school or parents as per the requirement. We provide customized ERP solutions specially for maintaining inventory records.


We at Gyan Manthan excel at holding leadership workshops for the senior management, faculty and students as per requirement. These training's are to develop the participants into good citizens with good values and confident individuals. The teachers are the student’s role models, who the students emulate. With good leadership skill and global perspective the participants will soon be world leaders and not followers. Leadership Training, Personality development, Communication skills, workshops would be conducted by Gyan Manthan for the college students. Modules are designed to develop various skills such as team building, team motivation, time management, self reflection and other skills related to leadership. These skills are taught through a number of interesting activities. PARENT-SCHOOL -COMMUNITY CONNECT THROUGH INITIATIVES AND PROGRAMMES A number of initiatives, activities, events, workshops have been designed by us to develop a parent, school and community connect. We have successfully held a number of parenting skill workshops, parent orientations, volunteering events for the environment and society.

Gyanmanthan understands that nobody knows their school better than you do! So we take the time to listen first and then present options for custom solutions to meet your specific needs. Our core team of consultants and our board of expert advisors have years of experience and have earned exceptional reputations in their areas of expertise. Gyanmanthan understands that nobody knows their school better than you do! So we take the time to listen first and then present options for custom solutions to meet your specific needs. Our core team of consultants and our board of expert advisors have years of experience and have earned exceptional reputations in their areas of expertise.

Our educational consulting services include: Feasibility studies (for new schools or transforming existing schools) Business, financial and development plans Project management including: Curriculum development Staffing and recruitment of heads Teacher training and development Organization and reporting structures Infrastructure and resources I.T. infrastructure Marketing and promotions Admissions and enrolments School Operation and Management